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Dominik Schröder


I am a quantitative research analyst at Qube Research & Technologies in Zurich. My mathematical research interests are probability theory (in particular random matrices), statistical physics, and statistical learning theory.


  1. BSc Mathematics

    ETH Zürich

  2. BSc Mathematics

    LMU Munich

  3. MSc Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

    LMU Munich

  4. MASt Mathematics

    University of Cambridge

  5. PhD Mathematics

    IST Austria

  6. Industry Sabbatical

    Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence

  7. Junior Fellow

    ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies

  8. SNF Ambizione Fellow

    ETH Zurich

  9. Quantitative Research Analyst

    Qube Research & Technologies

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My research focuses on random matrices, free probability and statistical learning theory. For a list of all publications, see the publication list, the arXiv, or my Google Scholar profile. Below are some recent or selected publications.

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Next to my research, I have worked on various applied machine learning and open-source software projects. Below is a list of selected projects, the full list can be found here, or on my GitHub profile.

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